Materials for a new Bits&Bäume branch

You plan to organise a Bits&Bäume event, a round table, a conference, a discussion evening or a panel? Great!

You already know what is important to us, if you want to name your new branch Bits&Bäume? Even better!

Here you find whatever you might need to plant your own Bits&Bäume seed.

Or you are just looking for speakers, topics or tips for your own event? Fine for us, too :)

Organise sustainably

Tips of the B&B-Team how to organise sustainably from using an open street map to hiring collectives for whatever you need


May your seed grow well!

If you suspect helpful information from us or want to inform us about a new Bits&Bäume event, please feel free to contact us:
At you can currently reach the conference office.

If you use (#bitsundbäume) on twitter, all Bits&Bäume followers will be
able to find you, as we will.

Your B&B-Team

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